Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Исполнитель - Название - Аниме

21. Suwabe Junichi - Crystallize - Monochrome Factor
Full version without video
22. Emily Bindiger - Everytime you kissed me - Pandora hearts
Full version
23. Suga Shikao - 19sai; Nobody knows; Sofa - xxxHolic
19sai TV size
Nobody knows TV size
Sofa TV size
24. Kalafina - Lacrimosa - Kuroshitsuji
Full version
25. Maaya Sakamoto - Gravity - Wolf's Rain
Full version
26. Utada Hikaru - Prisoner of Love - Дорама "Last friends"
27. Yuya Matsushita - Trust me - Durarara!!
TV size
28. ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - Complication - Durarara!!
29. On/Off - Butterfly - Durarara!!

@темы: С просторов сети, Аниме, Видео, Музыка

03.06.2010 в 11:04

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Emily Bindiger - Everytime you kissed me - Pandora hearts

Everytime you kissed me
I trembled like a child
Gathering the roses
We sang for the hope
Your very voice is in my heartbeat
Sweeter than my dream
We were there, in everlasting bloom

Roses die,
The secret is inside the pain
Winds are high upon the hill
I cannot hear you
Come and hold me close
I'm shivering cold in the heart of rain
Darkness falls, I'm calling for the dawn

Silver dishes for the memories
For the days gone by
Singing for the promises
Tomorrow may bring
I harbour all the old affection
Roses of the past
Darkness falls, and summer will be gone

Joys of the daylight
Shadows of the starlight
Everything was sweet by your side, my love
Ruby tears have come to me, for your last words
I'm here just singing my song of woe
waiting for you, my love

Now let my happiness sing inside my dream...

Everytime you kissed me
My heart was in such pain
Gathering the roses
We sang of the grief
Your very voice is in my heartbeat
Sweeter than despair
We were there, in everlasting bloom

Underneath the stars
Shaded by the flowers
Kiss me in the summer day gloom, my love
You are all my pleasure
My hope and my song
I will be here dreaming in the past

Until you come
Until we close our eyes....


Дрожу как дитя, целуя губы твои.
Cобирая розы, о надежде пели мы.
Твой голос в биении сердца моего,
Слаще, чем мечты.
Мы были вместе, среди вечных цветов.
Розы вянут, болью укрыта тайна моя.
Ветры дуют над холмами, я не слышу тебя.
Обними скорее,
От холода под дождем я дрожу.
Наступила тьма, а я рассвет зову...
Лишь посуда о прошлом память бережет.
Песнь о клятве новый день несет.
Сокрою чувства старые -
Увядшие цветы.
Наше лето сгинет под покровом тьмы.
Мягкий солнца свет и холодный - звезд...
Все было прекрасным с тобой, моя любовь.
После слов твоих последних не сдержать мне слёз,
И теперь в моих песнях одна лишь боль,
Ведь я жду тебя, моя любовь.
Но позволь же счастью в мечте моей петь...
Сердце рву на части, целуя губы твои.
Собирая розы, о бедах пели мы.
Твой голос в биении сердца моего,
Он слаще тоски.
Мы были вместе, среди вечных цветов.
И под звездным небом, средь цветов укрывшись,
Летним днем меня целуй, моя любовь.
Лишь ты мне отрада, надежда и песнь!
Витая в прошлом, я буду здесь,
Пока не придешь...
Пока не сомкнем
Наших глаз....
03.06.2010 в 12:43

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Suga Shikao - 19sai - xxxHolic

Original / Romaji Lyrics
Kuchibiru ni doku wo nutte boku no heya ni kita deshou?
Anata no kisu de mou karada mo mune mo toketeshimaisou
Daikiraina boku 19 sai
Daikiraina boku 19 sai
Hakike ga suru kurai anata no kokoro utsukushii no ni
Nani hitotsu dekinai boku ni doushite kisu shite kureru no?
Daikiraina hibi 19 sai
Daikiraina kao 19 sai
Kuroage hachou no you ni hokorashii hane de tobitai
Kudaranaitte iwanaide sonna jinsei ga ii no ii no...
Yogoreteru tamashii dake wo torinozoku no ga muri nara
Dochira ni arukeba sore wo mirai to yoberu no deshou?
Chuuburarinna yume 19 sai
Chuuburarinna uso 19 sai
Kuroage hachou ni natte dare kara mo aisaretai
Kubukurin nai toshitemo hon no isshun de ii no ii no...
Daikiraina boku 19 sai
Daikiraina boku 19 sai
Kuroage hachou no you ni hokorashii hane de tobitai
Kudaranaitte iwanaide sonna jinsei ga ii no ii no...
Kuroage hachou ni natte dare kara mo aisaretai
Kubukurin nai toshitemo hon no isshun de ii no ii no...

English Translation

You put on poison on your lips and came to my room, didn't you?
With your kiss, my body and mind feel like they're going to melt
I hate myself, 19 years old
I hate myself, 19 years old
Your heart is so beautiful it makes me want puke
Why do you kiss me, somebody who can't do a thing?
I hate these days, 19 years old
I hate this face, 19 years old
I want to fly with proud wings like the black swallowtail butterfly
Don't say it's lame, I want that kind of life...
If it's impossible to only take out the soiled soul
Which way should I go to call that as the future?
Indecisive dreams, 19 years old
Indecisive lies, 19 years old
I want to become a black swallowtail butterfly and be loved by everybody
Even though that's 99% not possible, I want to even for a moment...
I hate myself, 19 years old
I hate myself, 19 years old
I want to fly with proud wings like the black swallowtail butterfly
Don't say it's lame, I want that kind of life...
I want to become a black swallowtail butterfly and be loved by everybody
Even though that's 99% not possible, I want to even for a moment...
03.06.2010 в 12:54

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Suga Shikao - Nobody knows - xxxHolic

Original / Romaji Lyrics

Saraba kinou made no kuchizukeyo
Saraba itooshiki mune no itamiyo
Maa sore wa sore toshiteda nantoka kyou mo ikiteimasu
Kodoku toka kako toka uwasa toka
Yokubou toka miuchi toka kuse toka
Asu kara orera kitto mou warawarezuni sumisoudaze
"Shinjite ireba itsuka kimochi wa chanto tsutawattekuyo..."to
Fuzakenaideyo datte soujyanai?
Mou dokoemo nigetari shitakunai
Dareka "yes!"to itte
Datte kinou no bashoniwa modorenai
Kimi to ita bashoniwa
Te wo nobashitemo dare mo inai
Saraba kinou made no kuchizukeyo
Saraba itooshiki mune no itamiyo
Maa sore wa sore toshiteda nantoka kyou mo ikiteimasu
Boku wa korekurai kimi wo omotteru
Kimi wa dorekurai boku wo omotteta?
Onnaji ryou no ai wo hoshigatte bakkajya Out desuka?
"Dareka no nukumori wa furenakya kizukanai monosa..."to
Sawaranaideyo kankeinaijyanai
Mou darenimo iiwake shitakunai
Dakara "yes!"to itte
Datte daredemo iiwakenai soujyanai?
Kimi jyanakya imi ga nai
Mou dokoemo nigetari shitakunai
Dareka "yes!"to itte
Datte kinou no bashoniwa modorenai
Kimi to ita bashoniwa
Kotae nanka dare mo shiranai

English Translation

Goodbye, the kisses until yesterday
Goodbye, dear pain in my heart
But, that is all well, I'm somehow still living today
Things like loneliness or past or rumors
Desires or relatives or habits
Starting tomorrow, looks like we won't be laughed at
"People will understand your feelings someday if you believe..."
Don't joke with me, don't you think so?
I don't want to run away anymore
Somebody please say "yes!"
Because I can't go back to yesterday
The place where I was with you
Even when I reach out, there's nobody there
Goodbye, the kisses until yesterday
Goodbye, dear pain in my heart
But, that is all well, I'm somehow still living today
I'm missing you this much
How much are you missing me?
Is it out to wish for same amount of love?
"You won't understand somebody's warmth until you touch them..."
Don't touch me, this doesn't have anything to do with you
I don't want to give excuses anymore
So please say "yes!"
Because not anyone is okay, right?
It won't mean a thing unless it's you
I don't want to run away anymore
Somebody please say "yes!"
Because I can't go back to yesterday
The place where I was with you
Nobody knows the answer
04.06.2010 в 16:01

ммм~~ песни из холика^^ обожаю их:heart:
оя, не знал что Сувабе~сан ещё и под Широгане пел О_О :buh: А Дийске~сан за Акиру не пел?^__^ возьму постик^^ енто мы тоже слушаем ;-)
04.06.2010 в 17:09

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Да на здоровье))))))
05.06.2010 в 10:06

В первом музыка нравится, в 3-графика
05.06.2010 в 12:06

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Kate Morgan
графика в Холике?))) А меня сперва она немного шокировала и отталкивала, но со временем это прошло, мало того, Холик стал еще одним из моих любимых аниме)))
07.06.2010 в 08:21

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Kalafina - Lacrimosa - Kuroshitsuji

kurayami no naka de mutsumi au
setsubou to mirai wo
kanashimi wo abaku tsuki akari
tsumetaku terashiteta

kimi no kureta himitsu wo shirube ni
aoi yoru no shizukesa wo yuku

tooku kudakete kieta
mabushii sekai wo mou ichido aishitai
hitomi no naka ni yume wo kakushite
yogoreta kokoro ni
namida ga ochite kuru made

maboroshi no basha wa yami wo wake
hikari no aru hou he
yume to iu wana ga bokutachi wo
homura he izanau

sora no ue no mujihi na kamigami ni wa
donna sakebi mo todoki wa shinai

bokura wa moesakaru takigi tonari
itsuka sono sora wo yaki tsuku sou

koko ni umarete ochita
chi nureta sekai wo osorezu ni aishitai
yurusareru yori yurushi shinjite
yogoreta chijou de
namida no hibi wo kazoete

Russian Translation

Белый блик луны сверкнет и разбудит печаль,
И мелькнут в ледяной пустоте
Пропасть безысходности и бескрайняя даль -
Так похожи в темноте.

Вспомнив вновь те слова, что ты оставил ты мне тогда,
Я иду сквозь туман этой пепельной мглы...

Вновь в слезах
В этом мире я тону,
Но он бежит, рушится вновь, исчезнув вдали.
Прячь мечту в своих глазах,
Береги ее одну,
Чтобы суметь слезы свои на сердце пролить... однажды.

В темное ночной, как призрак, карета плывет,
И меня увлекает с собой.
Блещет яркий свет, и там западня меня ждет,
Та, что зовем мечтой...

Никогда! Никогда не раздастся мой крик в тишине,
Не услышать его всем богам в небесах!
08.06.2010 в 09:19

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Maaya Sakamoto - Gravity - Wolf's Rain

been a long road to follow
been there and gone tomorrow
without saying goodbye to yesterday
are the memories I hold still valid?
or have the tears deluded them?
maybe this time tomorrow
the rain will cease to follow
and the mist will fade into one more today
something somewhere out there keeps calling
am I going home?
will I hear someone singing solace to the silent moon?
zero gravity what's it like?
am I alone?
is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet
still the road keeps on telling me to go on
something is pulling me
I feel the gravity of it all
17.06.2010 в 09:52

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Utada Hikaru - Prisoner of Love - Дорама "Last friends"

Heiki na kao de uso wo tsuite
Waratte iyake ga sashite
Raku bakari shiyou to shiteita

Naimononedari buruusu
Minna yasuragi wo motometeiru
Michitariteru no ni ubaiau
Ai no kage wo otteiru

Taikutsu na mainichi ga kyuu ni kagayakidashita
Anata ga arawareta ano hi kara
Kodoku demo tsurakute mo heiki da to omoeta
I'm just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Yameru toki mo sukoyaka naru toki mo
Arashi no hi mo hare no hi mo tomoni ayumou

I'm gonna tell you the truth
Hitoshirezu tsurai michi wo erabu
Watashi wo ouen shite kureru
Anata dake wo tomo to yobu

Tsuyogari ya yokubari ga muimi ninarimashita
Anata ni ai sareta ano hi kara
Jiyuu demo yoyuu demo hitori ja munashii wa
I'm just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Oh mou sukoshi da yo
Don't you give up
Oh misute nai zettaini

Zankoku na genjitsu ga futari wo hikisakeba
Yori issou tsuyoku hikare au
Ikurademo ikurademo ganbareru ki ga shita
I'm just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Arifureta nichijou ga kyuu ni kagayaki dashita
Kokoro wo ubawareta ano hi kara
Kodoku demo tsuraku demo heiki da to omoeta
I'm just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Stay with me, stay with me
My baby, say you love me
Stay with me, stay with me
Hitori ni sasenai

English Translation

With an indifferent face you tell a lie
Laughing until you feel sick
“Let’s have nothing but fun” you said

Feeling blue over desiring the impossible
Everyone is seeking tranquility
YouÂ’re struggling, but youÂ’ve had enough
Now youÂ’re chasing after a shadow of love

Since the day you appeared
My dull “everyday”s have begun to shine
Now I‘m able to think, “Feeling loneliness, being in pain - that’s not so bad”
IÂ’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Through painful times and healthy times,
Stormy days and sunny days, letÂ’s walk on together

IÂ’m gonna tell you the truth
I chose an unforeseeably painful path
and you came to support me
YouÂ’re the only one I can call a friend

Fake displays of strength and avarice have become meaningless
IÂ’ve been in love with you since that day
When IÂ’m free, with time to spare, thereÂ’s no life in being alone
IÂ’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Oh... Just a little more
DonÂ’t you give up
Oh donÂ’t ever abandon me
If the cruelty of reality tries to tear us apart
WeÂ’ll be drawn more closely to one another
Somehow, somehow, I have a feeling weÂ’ll be able to stand firm
IÂ’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Every day banalities quickly begin to shine brilliantly
You stole my heart that day
Loneliness and pain I thought I could deal with
I'm just a prisoner of love

Stay with me, stay with me
My baby, say you love me
Stay with me, stay with me
DonÂ’t leave me alone again
17.06.2010 в 10:16

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Suga Shikao - Sofa - xxxHolic

Mado no nai mukai no koujou ga
Kisetsu ni kankei naku hikui oto wo tatete ite
Boku wa itsumo sekai no doko ni ite mo
Sono oto ga suru nda to atarimae ni omotteta
Sou shinjiteta

My baby kimi ga inai yoru atarimae ni kimi ga ita SOFA
baby kimi ga inai heya nanda ka yosoiki no kao wo shite iru

Kumo ga boku kara tsuki no hikari sae ubau to
Jidouhanbaiki no kirekaketa akari dake ga
Mabuta ni boutto yakitsuite
Maru de yakouchuu mitai
Omoidasou to suru to mou soko ni inai

My baby boku no heya ni kyou mo yoru ga kita to iu koto wa
baby kimi ni mo kitto onaji iro de chigau yoru ga kita ndarou

Mado kara mieru itsutsu me no gaitou
Itsu no ma ni ka kirete shimatta ndarou
Kimi ga kakaeteta kanashimi ni akari wo hitotsu kurai tomoseta kana

My baby furikaetta nda kimi ga soko ni iru you na ki ga shite
baby kimi ga suki datta KONFUREEKU to SUUPU ga korogatteru

My baby kimi ga inai yoru atarimae ni kimi ga ita SOFA
baby kimi ga shita de arou DORAMA no rokuga ga hajimatteru
29.06.2010 в 12:29

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Yuya Matsushita - Trust me - Durarara!!

I'm here, soba ni iru kara
Call me, boku ga iru kara
Trust me, mou nani mo osorenaide
My dear, mienai ito de
Trust me, tsunagatte iru kara
Tada kanjite ite, kono nukumori
Chanto kikoete iru, kimi no kokoro no koe
Chiisana fuan sae boku ga tsumitotte ageru
Nando mo tsutaetai, kimi wa hitori ja nai
Kawaru koto no nai ai wa kitto koko ni aru
Naite mireba ii, tayotte mireba ii
sono subete wo uketomeru to kimeta
I'm here, doko ni ita tte
Call me, hitotsu ni nareru
Trust me, kono omoi hodokenai kara
My dear, kakaeta nimotsu
Trust me, oroshite mireba ii
Sou kimi no tame ni boku ga iru n da
Dore hodo no kanashimi kimi wa kakushiteta no?
Dore hodo no omoi wo mune ni tojikomete kita no?
Itami to hikikae ni te ni ireta tsuyosa wo
itsuka yasashisa e kimi wa kaete yukeru hazu
Ubawareta tte, kowasareta tte
daiji na no wa kimi-rashiku iru koto
I'm here, tatoe sekai ga
Call me, owaru to shite mo
Trust me, tsunagu te wo hanasanai kara
My dear, itsuwari no nai
Trust me, mirai e arukidasou
Sou kimi no tame ni boku ga iru n da
I'm here, soba ni iru kara
Call me, boku ga iru kara
Trust me, mou nani mo osorenaide
My dear, mienai ito de
Trust me, tsunagatte iru kara
Tada kanjite ite, kono nukumori
Itsu made mo soba ni iru, forever
Nitsumatte mo hanarenai, never ever
Kimi ga ireba, whatever you do
Nee boku ni oshiete, whatever you say (oh!!)
Tsurai koto areba subete nimokomi
Moshi sore de mo muri naraba, call me call me
You're my love, you're my shine, you're my dear
Sekai teki ni mawashite mo, trust me
Naite mireba ii, tayotte mireba ii
sono subete wo uketomeru to kimeta
I'm here, doko ni ita tte
Call me, hitotsu ni nareru
Trust me, kono omoi hodokenai kara
My dear, kakaeta nimotsu
Trust me, oroshite mireba ii
Sou kimi no tame ni boku ga iru n da
I'm here, soba ni iru kara
Call me, boku ga iru kara
Trust me, mou nani mo osorenaide
My dear, mienai ito de
Trust me, tsunagatte iru kara
Tada kanjite ite, kono nukumori
With me, mou hanarenaide
Give me, kokoro wo hiraite
Feel me, subete wo tsutaete
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
With me, kotoba wa iranai
Give me, mitsumeaeba ii
Feel me, subete wo azukete
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

English translation

I'm here, I'm right next to you,
call me, since I'm right here,
trust me, don't fear anything anymore.
My dear, with the invisible threads of fate,
trust me, we are connected by them,
so simply stay and feel my warmth.
I'm listening carefully to the voice in your heart.
I'll pluck away any uneasiness you may have.
I want to tell you again and again that you're not alone.
Everlasting love is right here for sure.
You should try to cry, you should try to rely,
I've decided to take on all your troubles.
I'm here, so it doesn't matter where you were,
call me, we can surely become one,
trust me, our thoughts will never come apart.
My dear, that burden you're holding,
trust me, you should try to put it down,
that is what I am here for.
Just how much sadness were you hiding?
Just how much thoughts did you lock up in your heart?
I will exchange my strength for your pain,
and one day you can turn that strength into kindness.
You may have been seized, you might have been broken,
what's important is that you are still being yourself.
I'm here, so even this world,
call me, will end soon,
trust me, I won't let go of your hand.
My dear, let's start walking,
trust me, towards an honest future,
that is what I am here for.
I'm here, I'm right next to you,
call me, since I'm right here,
trust me, don't fear anything anymore.
My dear, with the invisible threads of fate,
trust me, we are connected by them,
so simply stay and feel my warmth.
I will always be by your side, forever,
No matter what we won't separate, never ever.
As long as you're here, whatever you do,
please do tell me, whatever you say.
Try to swallow the bitter pains,
but if that's difficult for you, call me call me.
You're my love, you're my shine, you're my dear.
Even if you make enemy of the entire world, trust me.
You should try to cry, you should try to rely,
I've decided to take on all your troubles.
I'm here, so it doesn't matter where you were,
call me, we can surely become one,
trust me, our thoughts will never come apart.
My dear, that burden you're holding,
trust me, you should try to put it down,
that is what I am here for.
I'm here, I'm right next to you,
call me, since I'm right here,
trust me, don't fear anything anymore.
My dear, with the invisible threads of fate,
trust me, we are connected by them,
so simply stay and feel my warmth.
With me, please don't go away.
Give me, please open your heart.
Feel me, please tell me everything.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
With me, we don't need words.
Give me, we can just look each other in the eyes.
Feel me, leave your everything to me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
29.06.2010 в 19:09

ммм~ Юя~чан :vict:
29.06.2010 в 21:14

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
Diabolic Butler
О да!!! :heart::heart::heart:
11.07.2010 в 07:17

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - Complication - Durarara!!

nakidashisou na kao de ureu hikui sora
suru koto mo naku toki o kezuru
hakidasu ba no nai omoi o nomikonde
iradachi majiri no tsuba o haku

nanimokamo ga kowaresou na fuan daite asu ni obie
asatte bakka miteta tte kotae wa denai koto datte wakatteru

kagirinaku hirogaru masshiro na ashita ni nani o egaku
genjitsu ga someyuku makkura na ashita ni nani o egaku

nayanderu jibun ga nanka dasakute
jitto shite ran nakute bakkure
yaritai koto sonna mon nai ze
okujou de kossori kuwaeru maisen
nanka tanoshiku nee kyou no saize
shinpaisou na me de miteru mai men
"naite nai ze" nante haite
tsuyogattemite mo maji tsurai ze
kayoinareta usugurai douro
yatto no omoi katta i-Pod
uwabe dake no usupperai RAP
nazeka omoi usuppera no BAG
yasashiku atatakai hazu no basho
omokurushikute akehanatsu mado
juuatsu ni oshitsubusaresou de
nigekonda itsumo no kouen

nanimokamo ga kowaresou na fuan daite asu ni obie
asatte bakka miteta tte kotae wa denai koto datte wakatteru

kagirinaku hirogaru masshiro na ashita ni nani o egaku
genjitsu ga someyuku makkura na ashita ni nani o egaku

kagiriaru wazuka na toki no naka
hetakuso na jibun egake
ima wa mada sore de ii

kagirinaku hirogaru masshiro na ashita ni nani o egaku
genjitsu ga shimeyuku makkura na ashita ni nani o egaku

kagirinaku hirogaru masshiro na ashita ni nani o egaku
genjitsu ga someyuku makkura na ashita ni nani o egaku
11.07.2010 в 07:18

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается...
On/Off - Butterfly - Durarara!!

konna jidai ni wa yume ga aru no ka na?
sonna kuchiguse wa iiakita kedo

zutto aku buttekita tsumori da kedo
saikin sore sae mo munashiku naru nda

"aitai" to ka
yoku nita machi ni karamawaru zatsuon no fureezu
sonna mono de (sonna mono ja ne) damasarenai
jibun no omoi nara wakatteru nda

bokura wa jiyuu da
kanawanu yume nante nai to dokoka negau nda
daremo ga sou yatte
jibun sagashiteru nda hashiritsuzukete mieta mono ga
sore ga kotae datte

bokura wa jiyuu da
hikari o motomeru tatoeba chou no you
hane kagayakase
kokoro wa oozora tsuyoi kaze de jiyuu ushinatte mo
koukai wa shitaku nai

konna jidai ni mo ai wa aru no ka na?
sonna kuchiguse wa iiakita kedo
zutto poketto ni tsumekondekita mono
sore wa ikari to ka kanashimi ja nai nda

kuchizusamu uta wa
itsumo aimai na kashi no TUNE
tsumazuite mo (sonna koto ja ne) yame wa shinai
jibun no kodou nara wakatteru nda

bokura wa jiyuu da
todokanu yume nante nai to sakenderu nda
hontou wa sou yatte
jibun furuwaseru nda toki ni koe karashiteshimau no mo
sore mo hito datte

bokura wa jiyuu da
takami o motomeru tatoeba chou no you
hane hatamekase
kodoku na oozora jibun no chizu o miushinatte mo
ikeru dake iku dake

bokura wa jiyuu da
kanawanu yume nante nai to dokoka negau nda
daremo ga sou yatte
jibun sagashiteru nda hashiritsuzukete mieta mono ga
sore ga kotae datte

bokura wa jiyuu da
hikari o motomeru tatoeba chou no you
hane kagayakase
kokoro wa oozora tsuyoi kaze de jiyuu ushinatte mo
koukai wa shitaku nai

bokura wa jiyuu da
hikari o motomeru
bokura wa jiyuu da
takami o motomeru

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